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Why Stick With a Tank Water Heater?

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We talk a lot about water heater service on this blog. Specifically, we talk about tankless water heaters and how amazing they can be at providing you with nearly unlimited hot water for your daily needs. However, we always mention that a tankless water heater won’t be perfect for every home and every situation, and this is where we’re going to clarify some things. It’s true, a tank water heater is still a great choice for many homeowners, especially ones who are on a strict budget or who are looking to curb their water habits altogether.

Storage tank water heaters have been the system of choice for people since the dawn of civilization. Most people didn’t have immediate access to hot water, and they had to heat up a tank or pot full of water to use immediately. Thus, the tank water heater was invented as a way to keep that water warm throughout the day and automatically refill it.

Three Reasons to Stick With a Tank System

Let’s start off this blog post by talking about some reasons why you would stick with a tank-based water heating system. Don’t worry, if you’d like a tankless system, we provide those as well! Head on over to one of our other blog posts, or head to our tankless water heaters page to learn more.

1. More Technicians Know How to Fix Tank Water Heaters

When it comes to water heater service calls, it’s just a simple fact that more technicians know how to fix tank water heaters than tankless systems. They’ve been around longer, they’re made of more simple components, and they’re just more standard. This can be valuable if you’re keen on window shopping for prices and you’re going to be switching service professionals a lot. We provide services for both tank and tankless systems, but we understand that many homeowners still want a wide set of options available to them.

2. Tank Water Heaters Are Less Expensive

Tank water heaters are composed of a tank and a heating element. That’s basically it, and it’s why they’re so simple and easy to understand or fix. Tankless systems are a bit more complicated, since they need a superheating component and they also need to streamline the process in and out of the unit.

One cold, simple truth is that tank water heaters are just less expensive to have installed than tankless systems. Sooner or later that might change, but for now, if you’re on a tight budget, we recommend sticking with a tank system.

3. Unlimited Hot Water Isn’t Necessarily Better…

We’re sure you’ve probably heard of the droughts and water shortages happening all throughout the country. We’re lucky here in Michigan that we don’t really deal with droughts. However, this does call into question the fact that using more water isn’t always going to be better. Conserving water can be better for your budget and for the environment. Using a tank water heater that’s sized appropriately will ensure that you really only use the water in the tank (since additional water will be cold). With a tankless system, you can use as much water as you’d like, but you might be surprised by the bill that comes at the end of the month!

Call GRmetro Heating and Cooling to invest in water heater services done right!