We really wish that we could tell you that you’ll never run into problems with your air conditioning system. Our high standards prevent us from doing so, however, as this would be flagrant misinformation. If you ever encounter a technician or a contractor claiming to have the solution to all potential AC problems, you know that you’ve found someone not deserving of your trust. The fact is that you’ll need AC repair in Grand Rapids at some point.
When you do, it is always to your benefit to schedule such repairs promptly. In any case, this is going to help limit the amount of damage done to your system. In the event of a refrigerant leak, it can help to prevent a fixable problem from destroying your air conditioner entirely! Refrigerant leaks are as common as they are detrimental to AC systems, so you should really have a basic understanding of what problems they can cause—and how you can spot potential signs of a refrigerant leak in your home.
What Purpose Does Refrigerant Serve in My AC?
It is not an exaggeration to say that without refrigerant—and without the proper amount of refrigerant—your air conditioner just is not going to be able to do its job. Your air conditioner serves one purpose and one purpose only, and this purpose is to cool your home. If your system is low on refrigerant, then it is not going to be able to cool your home effectively.
Refrigerant is evaporated in the indoor evaporator coil of your air conditioning system, and this process allows for it to draw heat out of the air surrounding that coil. That refrigerant, now hot, travels out to the condenser coil in the outdoor condenser unit. As it condenses, it releases its heat. Then, the process continues until desired temperatures are met throughout the house.
Signs and Effects of Low Refrigerant
As you can imagine, running low on refrigerant due to leaks is really going to impede the cooling process. How might such problems manifest?
- Insufficient cooling is one of the immediate signs of trouble. Simply put, too little refrigerant equals too little cooling!
- Short cycling as the system struggles to keep up with a cooling demand it cannot accommodate, only to overheat.
- Ice on the evaporator coil, creating more strain on the system by adding an insulating layer on its surface.
- Increased energy costs as your system works harder and harder to cool your home effectively.
- Eventual compressor failure, which would be so costly to repair that a full replacement is generally advisable.
The moment that you start to notice any such issues with your system is the moment that you should call us to schedule professional air conditioning repairs. You really want to get the intervention that your system needs before you wind up at number 5, after all! We cannot eliminate the risk of running into refrigerant leaks, but we can help to fix them before serious damage is done.
Schedule your AC repairs with GRmetro Heating and Cooling Inc.