Water heating technology is always improving. Back in the day, you’d be lucky if you could garner enough hot water for one warm bath, let alone showers for the whole family. The times are changing and this is overwhelmingly a good thing if you’re a homeowner. However, with more technological advancements in the water heating business, come more options that homeowners know less and less about!
Take for instance an indirect water heater in Grand Rapids, MI. When was the last time you actually thought about how this type of system works? If you’re in the market for a new water heater, we promise you’ll want to hear about this kind of system. Whether it’s a tankless water heater, a tank water heater, or an indirect water heating unit, our team can help set it up for success.
Take out your notebook, it’s time to get to work!
How Does an Indirect Water Heater Work?
If you’ve been on the fence about tank vs tankless water heaters, here’s a new element to add into the mix. Some tank water heaters are actually defined as “indirect water heaters,” which means they get heat indirectly from your furnace or boiler system. Let us explain.
Indirect water heaters use your main furnace or boiler to heat the water that’s circulated through a heat exchanger in the storage tank. Basically, this saves energy and costs because all of the heat is coming from one central location and you don’t have multiple burners in your home that are consuming fuel at different rates. Indirect water heaters, when insulated correctly and set up by a team of professionals, can be one of the most cost-effective and affordable methods of providing hot water for your home.
These systems can be powered by gas, oil, propane, electricity, or whatever energy type that’s being used for your central heating system. What an interesting concept!
Why Efficiency Matters
At the end of the day, every water heater we provide installations for will keep your water warm. The question isn’t which water heater will provide hot water for your home, since all of the water models on the market will achieve this. The question is which water heater will keep you happy, comfortable, and cost the least amount of money to run for the next decade.
The efficiency cost is how you can gauge this. A high efficiency water heater, like a tankless system or an indirect water heater, will cost you less money and less energy to run. A conventional tank water heater will still run efficiently, but will run with less efficiency than the other units. Tank water heaters also suffer from standby heat loss, which is also a reality for indirect water heaters. Thankfully, the unique ability for an indirect water heater to absorb heat from your heating system more than makes up for it.
Call Us
Not many companies in our area provide complete services, from installation to replacement, for indirect water heaters. Our team does! If this technology sounds interesting, or sounds like it might be right for your home, give our team a call.
Click this link to get in contact with the pros at GRmetro Heating and Cooling Inc!