Air conditioners don’t last forever, and it’s up to homeowners to remain vigilant when there’s something wrong. An AC that’s nearing the end of its lifespan starts to show different signs of aging than a system with many years left on it. We’re here to make sure you stay as informed as possible on the possible signs of an aging system.
We understand, everyone wishes they could keep the same air conditioner in perfect condition for ages, just like your favorite car or record player, but sometimes equipment gives out and you’re left paying high prices for a less effective system. Today, we’re going to talk about signs of aging AC services in Grand Rapids, MI, and what you can do to schedule an AC replacement at the right time.
Keep reading so that you feel more comfortable deciding when it’s finally time to replace that old system.
When Is It Time?
The hardest part about being an air conditioner owner is that it’s nigh impossible for someone outside of the industry to know the perfect time to replace your aging system. That’s why we’ve included this list of tips to help you discover if your air conditioner is nearing that point in its lifespan. Take a look below.
- Age. While this could be the most obvious of all the clues, it’s still helpful for homeowners to know how long an air conditioner is supposed to last. AC systems last between 10 and 15 years when treated well, which means if your air conditioner is nearing its 15th birthday, or is almost old enough to drive, then you should be looking at a replacement.
- Efficiency. Air conditioners that are older just don’t run as efficiently as new ones do, it’s just a fact. If your air conditioner is consuming too much energy and is costing too much to run per month, then it’s time to have it replaced.
- Effectiveness. An air conditioner is supposed to cool your home full-stop. If your AC is not cooling your home to a reasonable degree, then what’s the point of having it? Call our team today to have it replaced by a system that can cool your home.
- Cost of repairs. If the total cost of repairs is equal to or greater than half the cost of a brand-new AC, then do yourself a favor and invest in a new system. Aging air conditioners will only incur more costs, which means you’re better off saving money down the line by investing in a newer system.
- Frequent repairs. Getting an air conditioner repaired is just obnoxious! If you’re finding yourself calling our team two, three, or four times a year, then you’ve got an air conditioner that’s beginning to break down from age. The only sensible solution to this problem is getting it replaced by a system that gives you some comfort and peace of mind.
We get that an AC replacement is a difficult and expensive decision to make. But so many homeowners don’t understand how saving money in the moment can lead to expensive costs down the line when stresses are high. Use this newfound information to plan accordingly.
Contact the team at GRmetro Heating and Cooling Inc for sensible AC replacement.