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Is It Time to Go With an Electric Furnace?


Most customers would agree that a gas furnace is a great choice. They’re classic heating appliances. Gas furnaces are efficient, powerful, affordable, and they’re just synonymous with a warm and comfy home. But they’re not the only appliance available on the market, and with new benefits to electrification, you might actually be better off with an electric furnace.

For all of our new readers, we’d like to remind you that yes, electric furnaces really are a thing.

They’re different from heat pumps where they still create heat, but they are all-electric. This blog post is going to be dedicated to the folks who might be better off with these systems, especially in our frigid climate.

If you like what you see here and think that an electric furnace might be right for your home, then be sure to call us today for installation.

How an Electric Furnace Works

An electric furnace works very similarly to a gas furnace–both create heat through a powerful heating process. Instead of combustion, which is what a gas furnace uses to create heat, an electric furnace uses electrical resistance.

Think about when you use a space heater, or feel the heat from an electric stove, an electric furnace is basically a much larger and more efficient version of those systems.

An electric furnace uses powerful coils that heat up the air around them. Then, that heat is sent through the air ducts to the various rooms of your home where you can feel them.

Off the Grid and Eco-Friendly

The first type of person that’s going to be better off with an electric furnace is someone off the grid. By that we mean someone without access to natural gas provided by the municipality.

Sure, there are other types of fuels out there, but none of them will be as affordable and efficient as natural gas.

And let’s face it, not every home has that kind of access to natural gas. So, as long as you have access to electricity, an electric furnace will work just fine!

These systems are also eco-friendly, specifically because they’re all-electric. If you’ve been looking into installing solar panels or if your local municipality uses wind or hydroelectric power, then you might be able to sustainably source the heat in your home. That sounds like a win-win for both you and the planet!

Maximum Efficiency

Did we mention that electric furnaces have 100% efficiency? Gas furnaces might be cheaper to operate on a regular basis than electric furnaces, but it’s only because the cost of gas is cheaper than the cost of electricity–right now.

But gas furnaces don’t use all of the natural gas inside of them for heat. Some escape as fumes, like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or smoke. But with an electric furnace, you can be certain that all of the electricity used by the system is for your home’s heating. There are no byproducts to this process.

Sound interested? Then contact GRmetro Heating and Cooling Inc to have your new electric furnace installed by a pro!