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Don’t Dilly Dally on Your Ductless Repairs!

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Owning a ductless system certainly comes with its benefits: greater efficiency, zone control, space-saving, and year-round comfort (just to name a few!) But just because these systems offer so many great benefits doesn’t mean that they are immune to repairs. In fact, ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs!

There are quite a few repairs that owners of ductless systems should be on the lookout for, so below, we have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (and of course, remember to schedule your repairs at the first sign of trouble!) Okay, now what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, ductless repairs!

Here Are Some Unique Ductless Repairs

As we mentioned above, ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs, including:

Water Leaks Behind the Air Handler

Each of your wall-mounted air handlers as a series of connections routed through a hole behind them. These connections include a power line, a refrigerant line, and a condensate line. The condensate line is responsible for removing water from the cooling process so that it doesn’t enter your home. However, these lines may leak, and if they do, water will start to collect between the back of the air handler and the wall.

If this issue isn’t addressed right away, your wall material may begin to weaken, causing the air handler to rip away and fall to the floor. Not only will you have to replace the broken air handler, but you will also have to deal with the cost of repairing your wall. So, if you notice any signs of water near your air handler, be sure to contact a professional ASAP.

Broken Air Handlers

Occasionally, you may find that one of your air handlers have stopped working properly. This can be due to any number of things, including a failed motor, an electrical issue, or even a damaged fan. When your air handler isn’t working as it should, it can definitely make that area of your home feel quite uncomfortable… but, there is good news!

When one of your air handlers stops working, the rest of the air handlers in your home will continue to run. This means that you can simply go to another room in your house to keep cool during the summer!

Refrigerant Leaks

Yes, a refrigerant leak is a common issue faced by all types of air conditioning systems, however, ductless systems are a little more vulnerable, as they’ve simply got more refrigerant lines running through the system. Therefore, it is important to be on the lookout for signs of a refrigerant leak to avoid a full-system breakdown. These signs include:

Hire a Professional

When the time does come to schedule your ductless repairs, you want to be absolutely sure that you hire a professional HVAC contractor in Grand Rapids to get the job done right the first time around. Trust us, when it comes to your comfort, you don’t want to be messing around with amateur work.

To schedule your air conditioning services, contact the team at GRmetro Heating and Cooling Inc. today.