Well, if the pun in the title wasn’t enough, we are about to give you another great reason to read this week’s blog: better energy efficiency! When your air conditioner is energy efficient, you’ll spend less time worrying about costly repairs and sky-high energy bills, and instead, focus on the things that matter this summer: like finding the best ice cream shop in town, obviously!
There are plenty, and we mean PLENTY, of ways that you can boost your energy efficiency all on your own! All you have to do is keep reading below! We’ve listed some of our favorite tips and tricks that you can use to give your system the boost it needs.
Well, what are you waiting for?! Click “keep reading”!
Our Favorite Tips and Tricks
One: Close Your Curtains
Summer is HOT, and you don’t need the added heat of the sun beaming in through your windows. One way that you can make your home feel cooler is to close your curtains on your south-facing windows during the day. This is a great way to keep out excess heat, so you won’t feel the need to run your AC at full blast.
Two: Use That Ceiling Fan
Think of your ceiling fan as your air conditioner’s supportive best friend. Your ceiling fan is great for circulating cool and conditioned air all over the spaces of your home, which takes much of the burden off of your AC. With a ceiling fan in place, your AC won’t have to work so hard to keep the entirety of your home cool, thus reducing energy usage.
Three: Invest in a Programmable Thermostat
Far too much energy is wasted cooling unoccupied spaces of your home, which is why a programmable thermostat is so handy. These thermostats allow you to create a cooling program based around your personal schedule so that you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to raise the temperature when you step out of the house for the day. This is a great way to save money and energy!
Four: Get Your Ducts in a Row
Okay, yes, another pun. But what we mean here is making sure that your air ducts are properly sealed. Leaky ducts can account for up to 30% of wasted energy, which is certainly a lot! Investing in duct sealing services is a great way to eliminate unnecessary energy waste.
Five: And For the Love of HVAC, Schedule Your Maintenace Services!
Annual maintenance is key to ensuring the long and successful service life of your air conditioner. If you want to get the most out of your system, ensure that it’s working efficiently and effectively, and extend its service life, then you better schedule your annual maintenance services ASAP! Your local AC contractor in Grandville, MI (us) will be happy to give your AC the services that it needs!
To schedule your air conditioning maintenance services, contact the experts at GRmetro Heating & Cooling today! We are your Western Michigan HVAC pros!