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5 Furnace Myths to Dispel Today


Furnaces are the most common heater in America. So common, in fact, that we spend months of our time here in the winter repairing and replacing them. They’re responsible for keeping homes comfortable and cozy in Michigan, and we’d like to keep things that way.

Unfortunately, we run into strange misconceptions and myths that homeowners believe all the time. These lead to some pretty odd furnace practices, to the point where homeowners might start actively hurting their heating efficiency during the winter. We’d like to stop that by addressing these myths head-on and allowing homeowners to take control of their heating future.

If your furnace in Grand Rapids, MI needs our help, make sure you get the right things addressed. Don’t just look up every problem online and listen to what anyone has to say. Take the advice of licensed and certified professionals—like us!

Myth #1: Furnaces Are Dangerous

Well, no. Furnaces aren’t inherently dangerous. They’re not built to be dangerous and many homeowners live their whole lives without even contemplating the idea of “safety” when it comes to their furnace. Furnaces, like other gas-powered stoves and boilers, can become dangerous due to neglect and other factors. That’s why furnace maintenance and repairs are so important, the longer you neglect your furnace, the more dangerous it can become.

Myth #2: They Can Last for Decades

One decade? Sure. Two or three decades? Not a chance. Your furnace is built to last between 10-15 years if it’s sufficiently maintained and repaired. There really aren’t any exceptions to this. Once a furnace is older than 15 years, it can start becoming dangerous, incredibly inefficient, or lose the ability to effectively heat your home.

Myth #3: Furnace Maintenance Is Optional

This is a big misconception. So many homeowners believe maintenance to be an optional service. They think that a furnace going for years without maintenance can still function as if it were new. This is absolutely not true. Maintenance is necessary to keep your system running with minimal repairs and high-efficiency levels. Call us today if you want more details on how this service work and what it entails.

Myth #4: They’re Supposed to be Loud

Furnaces are not supposed to be loud. They might have a hiccup every now and then, especially for the older models, but they’re supposed to keep your home warm with no added noises. If you hear your heater making noise, be sure to call for a professional since that is usually a signal that something is wrong.

Myth #5: You Should Be Able to Sense Leaking Carbon Monoxide

This is far from true. Many homeowners believe haphazardly that they’ll be able to notice a furnace leaking carbon monoxide in some sense or another. While it’s easy to notice leaking gas, since gas has an added chemical in it called “mercaptan” which give it the scent of rotten eggs, carbon monoxide is odorless. It’s also impossible to detect visually, so you’re really left unable to trust any of your senses. The only way to be prepared for a CO leak is with a carbon monoxide detector stationed in strategic locations in your home.

Contact the team at GRmetro Heating and Cooling Inc for your furnace services.