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3 Things to Consider While Waiting for AC Repair

Ac Condenser

It’s hot and we’re only at the midway point of the summer. Just because we live in the north doesn’t mean we don’t need to be prepared to fight the record-breaking heatwaves that are hitting us! That’s why we’ve gone ahead and written this blog about some great practices to keep in mind when you’re waiting for air conditioning repair service.

Feel free to print this out and hang it up on the fridge, or mention this subject to the whole family. Your air conditioner could break down or peter out because of the scorching hot temperatures, and while you’re waiting for help, there are a few things you can all do to remain safe and comfortable.

Yep, even if it’s reaching 100 degrees out, you can still stay cool indoors as long as you do a few things we recommend. Don’t forget—step one is always calling us!

Step 1: Call for Help

Step one is the most important aspect of AC repair. Don’t instinctively try to open up the system and repair it yourself. And definitely don’t look up an online tutorial to see some tips and tricks on how to fix your broken AC. These will likely cause more harm than good and ultimately lead you down a path of a voided warranty, extra expenses, and perhaps even longer without comfortable temperatures. During heatwaves and the height of the summer, you can’t afford to hurt your chances of having your AC fixed. That’s why it’s so important that you call us as soon as possible.

Our team is fast, reliable, and a staple point of the community—so no matter how urgent the request is, we promise we’ll do right by you!

Step 2: Stay Hydrated and Utilize Fans

So let’s say you’ve called us and you’re sitting in your living room with no AC on one of the hottest days of the year… What do you do?

Firstly, you need to remember to hydrate! Remind your family that drinkable water should always be easy to get nearby. If that water is cold, it should be easier for you to keep your body heat levels low and stay comfortable. Try filling up a pitcher of water or a tasty lemonade to keep in the fridge that’s always accessible. Don’t forget that your pets need access to clean drinking water too!

Also, this is the perfect time to use ceiling fans and box fans, so you can keep air circulating and the temperature low.

Step 3: Use Shades, Curtains, and Limit Sunlight Exposure

The sun is the largest source of heat on the planet. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s what’s used to grow our crops, flowers, and stay happy when we’re hanging out by the pool. But when your AC breaks down and you’re in need of quick cooling comfort, it’s important to stay out of the sun. Use your blinds, curtains, and whatever you can to remain in the shade and out of direct sunlight.

Contact GRmetro Heating and Cooling for prompt AC repairs in and around Grand Rapids.